Extremely Puzzling - Goetz Schwandtner's Puzzles

Interlocking Puzzles Explorer

This page allows to further explore the huge class of interlocking puzzles. In the standard view, all puzzles are shown in alphabetical order, and can also be ordered by their number of pieces or by their level (in descending order, from highest value to smallest, followed by the ones without an entry). Additionally, the list can be restricted to show only puzzles with rotation in the solution, or without rotations, and with coordinate motion moves, and without.

The current view is (click the other variants to change the view):

order: [alphabetically] [by pieces] [by level] rotations: [all] [only with] [only without] coordinate motion: [all] [only with] [only without]
40 Pieces
The Fortress
36 Pieces
29 Pieces
The Collective
24 Pieces
Kinsman Squirrel Cage
15 Pieces
Cross in a Cage
14 Pieces
Sewing Box
13 Pieces
12 Pieces
Andromeda Dicey Box
11 Pieces
10 Pieces
Juha 14 Red Cow (Vache Rouge)
9 Pieces
Net Block G Switch Cube
8 Pieces
Camera Conundrum Daedalus Double Noeud Writhing Snake Cube
7 Pieces
BioTIC Coo-inter-pack Frankfurt-Cube Half Lid Box Involution Knobbel 24 Log Jam Puzzle MajesTIC Slant Cube Tronc Commun 4
6 Pieces
4x4x4 Elevator 6 board burr # 3 6 board burr #1 ApocalypTIC Boston Tea Chest By George Burr Chen's 6 BB Cold Fusion Crossex Eye Fill Burr Finnish Cross GalacTIC GeneTIC Grooved 6 Board Burr #7 Gyro Helix+ KeyTIC Knobbel 26 Knobbel 28 L-Burr L-Burr Loopy Cube NOS6 Dodge PedanTIC Pirouette Pivot Ring Fight Roots and Branches Rota Cube Square Target Steady State Cube The Elevator Triple Cross Burr Triple Helix Tronc Commun 3 Troubled Burr Tumbler Twist the Night Away Two Wheeled Cube Unknown Flower Crystal Wunderbar Inspiration Wunderbar Inspiration
5 Pieces
2 Halves Cube Benedettis Kaefig Cage Amovible Cast Cylinder CatharTIC Chain Changing Partners Convolution's Cousin Dizzy Cube FantasTIC Flat Vortex 1 Foliage Garmbaad GiganTIC Glitter Hourglass Juha 6 Juha's Interlocking No.1 Ka'apuni LunaTIC Matador Mysterious Galaxy MysTIC Neo Saturn Net Block F Open Cube PackTIC #2 PenTIC Rattle Box Rose Rotary Cub Shield Spiral Cube #2 Tango Threaded Cube Turnkey TwisTIC United Vortex Waffle X TIC
4 Pieces
16 Bar Cube II 2 and 2 Burr Ambigram Burr Aqua Toto Assembly Cube Black Hole Burr Brandenburg Gate La Porte Buffalo Nickel Puzzle Chamburr Climburr Cyburr Engpass Quadrat GEM Geneva Helical Burr Helical Burr 2 Helix Burr v2 HELLical Burr Irene Alternate Keyhole Little Bruce Little Kenny LocomoTIC Monster Oliver Pif Paf With A Turn Polar Burr Rota # Rotamove Cube Sonneveld Cubed Burr Spiral Square Stairs Cube SwapTIC Sweeney Todd Top Trap-R2 Trenta Turtle's Heart Tweedle 11 Tweedle 14 Twisting Cube Twisty Hollow Two-Tone Zero
3 Pieces
3 identical piece burr ON 33E Cast Infinity Clutch 1 Clutch 2 Clutch 3 Deadly Romance Double UT Happy Dance Identical Twins Leftovers Lucida Pole Dancer Rattle Twist III Rotator Sliding Hamburger T-one Triple Play TriumviraTIC Vapors Puzzle
2 Pieces
2 Rings Culax Insinuate Puzzle Intertwingly Rotpack 1 Rotpack 2 Tangler Utopian Cube