Extremely Puzzling

Overview of Interlocking Puzzles

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+412 Bastards12 interlocking pieces*15 Piece Japanese Interlocking Puzzle*151er Teufel16 Bar Cube II
18 Brueder18 pc burr #318 pc burr 6x6x618 Pieces plated burr18-in-Blocks18-Piece II
2 and 2 Burr2 Halves Cage 3BB2 Halves Cage 4A2 Halves Cube2 Pairs2 Pairs One
2 Rings2 Temps 3 Mouvements2-3-420pcs Wooden DIY Brain Teaser Puzzles2PBB Two Pieces Boxed Burr3 identical piece burr ON
3 lives to live3 Open Minds Solve a Problem3 Piece Burr Cube 503 Piece Burr key-o3 Q Cube33E
3D Burger Puzzle3set Nesting 6 Piece  Burr4 Caged Puzzle4 in 24 in Frame4 pieces in frame
4 Stick 84+5+6 Diagonal Burr4L Co-Mo DD4LCoMo4x4 Puzzle4x4x4 Elevator
6 board burr # 36 board burr #16 piece burr variation II6 piece framed knot6GA Six Gates Arranged6^3 Board Burr
8 Pieces Burr9 Boards Burr 7x7A Mazing BurrA Notched Trifecta betaAbacusAbad s Level 9 Burr
Accordion (Disjointed Cube)Accordion (Disjointed Cube)AchilleAdam and Eve in ParadiseAdditionAgapan
AJ PuzzleAl CaponeAlastorAlcatrazAlcatrazAlcatraz Extreme
AldieAlf 3AlienAll Mixed UpAll Mixed Up VariationAllard's Think (c) Sticks
AlligatorAlmost ThereALPACAAltairAmatoresAmbigram Burr
Aqua TotoAquarius+ArabesqueAracnaAramisArch Burr Puzzle
ArchivesArmillaAround the BendArrowAssembler's ChallengeAssembly Cube
Assorted SnakesAstro-PuzzleAstrolabeAtacamaAtom RauteAtomihedra
AuroraAvenger PuzzleAwful EiffelAwoi Cube 1Awoi-Cube 2B-Box, Reactor
Bad Hare DayBamboo Burr 1Bamboo Burr 2Bamboo Burr 3Bamboo Burr 4Bamboo Star
Band CubeBandidoBandocubBarbie and KenBarcode Burr (printed)Barcode Burr (printed)
Barcode Burr Master Set UpgradeBarcode Burr Master Sets UpgradesBarriereBasket BurrBathLedBeehive
Behind BarsBelopoBelt Cube 3Benedettis 7-erBenedettis KaefigBent Board Burr
Bent Board Burr #4Bent Board Burr #4 TooBerserk BurrCircBeware of the DogsBeware of the SnakeBicomplementary formation b/b:1/2
Big Havana'sBig Interlocking CubeBig MacBig MazeNCubesBig QuadroxBill's Ball Bearing Burr
Binary BurrBinary Burr 10 smallBinary Burr 3 smallBinary Burr 4 smallBinary Burr 5 smallBinary Burr 6 small
Binary Burr 7 smallBinary Burr 8 smallBinary Burr 9 smallBioTICBird in the NestBisect Frame 2S
Black Hole BurrBlack WiddowBlind BurrBlue BeetleBlue Beetle 2Board and Cube Burr (Katsumoto Cube)
Board Burr in CageBoard Burr RackBoards and Sticks with FrameBoite 13BoleroBoo Burr
Borromean Braid TooBoston Tea ChestBottom LineBouquetBouquet (small)Box of 12
Box with Two BallsBoxed BurrBoxed L-burr 2Boxed Mixed Piece BurrBoxed Six Board BurrBoxes And Frames
Brace YourselfBramble BoxBrandenburg Gate La PorteBubinburrBuffalo Nickel PuzzleBundle of Sticks
Burr Box 1Burr In A CageBurr in CageBurr Lock EBurr of Nine BoxesBurr with Rings
BurrblockBurrdosBurrglarBurrliner KruseBurrly LegalBurrly Sane for Extreme Puzzlers
Burrly Sane for ProfessionalsBurrly Sane for WoodworkersBurrnBurrnerBurrnovaBurry Joint
BuzzardBy George BurrC2-1Cage #1-125-10Cage #1-216-14 KodoCage 6
Cage AmovibleCage for 4 SticksCage PuzzleCaged BurrCaged KnotCamelride
Camera ConundrumCampanusCanal HouseCannichCanuckCaptain
Captain HookCarbo CubeCascadiaCasino 2Cast CylinderCast Hexagon
Cast InfinityCastleCastle HoleCatharTICCaught HeartCell Block
CentauriCentaurusCenturyCentury CubeCephioCFF Burr
ChainChainstitchChamburrChanging PartnersChapel #1Chateau d'If
CheckboxChecker-board interlock boxCheckerDice CubeChen's 6 BBChequered Board BurrChiasma
Chicken PuzzleChinese FangChinese KnotChinese KnotChinesischer TeufelChocolate Dip Burr
Choreographed MotionChristmas TreeChuck The Puzzle PersonCirceleiCircuit BreakerClamped Cube
Clearwater small 54 pcsClimburrClosed BoxClutch 1Clutch 2Clutch 3
Coffin's Four Piece CubeCoherenceCold FusionCold FusionColossusColumbus
Columnata 2P3CCombined BurrComing of AgeComing of Age MKIIComplementary P-arityComputer's Choice
ConclusionCondorCondor's PeeperConfluenceConfucius 3Confusio
CongestionConiburrConstantin 234Constantin 456Convolution's CousinCoo-inter-pack
Coreographed Motion 2Coronation CubeCorsageCourageCPU ChipCrazy Horse
Crazy Swiss CubeCrocsCrooked 6 Board Burr #2Crooked 6 Piece Burr Original VersionCrooked 6 Piece Burr Pinned VersionCross Bones
Cross Imprisioned ExtraCross in a CageCross in CrossCross-CageCross-Keys puzzleCrosscut
CrossexCrossing Rails 14CrusadeCruxCruz del MaestroCryptos
Crystal RingCrystalburrCT 52CT269CubaxCube 81
Cube in CubeCubed Burr IICubelockCubetresorCubic Board BurrCubic Burr
Cubic LockCubie BurrCubie Burr #2CubixCublocCubloc S
Cubyful 2CuckoldCulaxCup of CoffeeCurly CubeCurrly Burr N8
CyburrDaedalusDamoclesDas missglueckte ModellDCD-burrDeadlock Puzzle
Deadly RomanceDecemburrDelightDelirium 13Den CubeDer Astronomen-Stern
Der verflixte TresorDevilDevil in CageDevil's Pet 1Devil's Pet 2Devil's Pet 3
Devil's Pet 4Diagonal Burr BigDiagonal loop #2Dicey BoxDie Zauberfloete - Koeningin der NachtDie Zauberfloete - Tamino
DilemmaDilemma IIDinlasDinoDinoDino 2
Dirty DozenDirty Dozen CagedDizzy CubeDoenderDog CatcherDomino Tower
Doors and DrawersDoppelknotenDouble DeckerDouble Dutch BurrDouble Heart&ArrowDouble Image
Double Kongmin LockDouble LockDouble NoeudDouble Slideways BurrDouble Slideways Burr PlusDouble Slideways Burr TSP
Double Slideways Burr TSP+Double Slideways Burr TSP-Double Slideways Burr TSP-+2WDouble Slideways Burr+DDouble TirosDouble UT
Dovetail Bi-CubeDovetail BurrDovetail Burr PuzzleDovetail CageDovetail CubeDovetail Cube
Dovetail Mix CrossknotDovetail Soma CubeDozerDraculaDracula 2Dragon Burr
Dragon CubeDragon puzzle w/Washington MonumentDragon RidersDragon's CaveDragsterDrehwuerfel*
DroidDubstepDutch CrossDwarf Planet DEarringsEasy Livin
EccentricityEdge Corner Cube IIEiffel BurrEigerEight is EnoughEighteen Eights
Eighteen Piece 6x6x6 BurrEightpackEinsiedler-BoxEl RegaloElbow BurrElena's Burr
Elephant PuzzleElevensesEleventh HourEnakEngpass QuadratEnigma
EnmarcadoEntropieEQ 12 pieces burrEstergonEstergon 2Excaliburr
ExcelsiorExtreme Boxed BurrEye Fill BurrFallingwater BurrFantasTICFenced Burr
Findis TeufelsknotenFinnish CrossFirst DesignFive Burr-itoFive O'lockFive Sticks 28
Flange 99AFlat Vortex 1FlintFloating Framed BurrFly TrapFly Trap 2
FoliageForgotten PieceFortunaFossil BurrFossil Burr 2Four Burr Stick
Four Cross TwelveFour in a BoxFour in the ViceFour Mirror OneFourTress PuzzleFrame Me Up
Framed 6-piece burrFramed Burr BoxFramed Sticks 4UFramed!FrameworkFrankenstein
Frankfurt-CubeFreddyFree PauseFree the MonkeysFriend with a shieldFrogurr
Full House 2Fundamentally Framed Burr 1FusionGaiaGalacTICGalaxy Puzzle I
Galaxy Puzzle IIGalaxy ZGargamelGarmbaadGarudaGateway
GearGeduldswuerfelGELO 1234GEMGeminiGeneTIC
GenevaGeronimoGet in the Box!GhislinaGiftGiga Burr
Goliath 2GoogleGoot 1Gordian KnotGrailGrand Barriere
Grand Giga BurrGrandpa FramedGrappe HexagonGrasse and the perfumeGravitational BurrGravity
GreyhoundGrooved 6 Board Burr #1Grooved 6 Board Burr #2Grooved 6 Board Burr #3Grooved 6 Board Burr #4Grooved 6 Board Burr #5
Grooved 6 Board Burr #6Grooved 6 Board Burr #7Groovy CubesGumball 3KGun PuzzleGyro
HakenwuerfelHalf Lid BoxHammerhead BurrHanoi TowerHappiness Cube 169Happiness Cube 20.2
Happiness Cube 20.2Happiness Cube 95.2Happy DanceHarierHaselgrove-BoxHavana's 2
Havannas 1Heavy Metal TriangleHebloHedgehog BurrHelical BurrHelical Burr 2
HeliconHelix 2Helix Burr v2Helix the BurrHelix+Hell
Hellas CubeHELLical BurrHerculesHermaphroditic Dovetail CubeHex PyramideHex-Puzzle 1
HexahedroomHexaloHexatresorHexonHigh Difficult Cube Unlocking PuzzleHighway
HippoHippo PuzzleHitchHobbitHog Wild PuzzleHoley 6 Board Burr II
HookedHooksHooks 2HOPEHot DogHotplate
HourglassHublot 2Hyperboloid Six-Piece Burr + extraI-TroubleI.Q. Puzzle SchuettelknotenIce Pillar
IceburrgIdentical TwinsIdentity 4aIdentity 4bIdentity MatrixImpossible Cube
ImpossiburrIn BracketsInfant BoxInner CubeInsinuate PuzzleInterlock 3 Pieces
Interlock IIInterlock the red square box (A)Interlock the red square box (B)Interlocking Small TurtleInternal CombustionIntertwingly
InvolutionIPP Burr PuzzleIPP Burr PuzzleIPP34 Necklace BurrIrene AlternateIrregular Board Burr
ITJack's DozenJackalJacketJadimexJail Bars 2
Jakub's CubeJalpaJanusJapanese Crystal 33 pcsJapanese Crystal 99 PcsJapanese Wood Joint Puzzle
JellyfishJiminy JackJohn's GoliathJucarJuha 10Juha 12
Juha 14Juha 2Juha 5Juha 6Juha 7Juha 8
Juha 9Juha Element PuzzleJuha's Interlocking No.1JumboJumpJust 3
K CubeK-323 #1K-419 #11Ka'apuniKameleonKameleon caged
Kamelle BoxKardanKawai Tsugite CubeKeep I on the BurrKei Cube JrKelvin
Key TrapKeychain Burr 9 piecesKeychain CameraKeychain DieKeychain HeartKeychain Ladybird
KeyholeKeyholesKeyTICKhamsinKing's CourtKinsman
Klaas Jan 23Knobbel 24Knobbel 26Knobbel 28Knobbly BoxKnossos
Knot on my WatchKnotenwuerfelKnotty 6KnuddeKong Ming LockKonstrukt
Konstrukt AKoumei Log PuzzleKowloon Seal Luban LockKreuzknoten g+bKreuzknoten grKristallus
KruispuntKubus/AncientKeyKumiki 9mm HandgunKumiki AirlinesKumiki AirplaneKumiki Cow
Kumiki DogKumiki Log Cabin Coin BankKumiki Lucky CatKumiki MasuKumiki PigKumiki Robot
Kumiki Squashed BlossomKumiki Steam-ShipKumiki StegosaurusKumiki Torii GatewayKumiki TramKumiki Wild Boar
La Cerradura 3DLa Cerradura DobleLa FoudreLa MenteLabyrinthLalibela
Lange Wapper 54Lange Wapper 54-2LatticeLattice (big)Lattice (small)Lattice II
LeftoversLennox BurrLetterboxLetterboxLiberal CubeLife@21
LiliputLion King 2LippeloLiteral Lateral SlideLittle BruceLittle Hug
Little KennyLittle Maze BoxLittle PorticoLittle Slide PlankLittle TrickLock Nested Burr
Lock Nested BurrLock-N-CubeLocomoTICLog Jam PuzzleLolly BoxLolly Box 2
Lolly Box 4Long and Short/Coffin 20-DLong SkirtLoopy BurrLoopy CubeLoopy Loops Junior
Lost DayLove CubeLove's DozenLove's Dozen as a CubeLovelyLox Box
LTC in cageLucidaLunaticLunaTICLuxemburrMaahes
MadiaMagestic 3Magic WandsMagma PlusMajesTICMaltese
Manda 1 BurrMankeMatadorMathMatryoshka BurrMayer's Cube
MayhemMean & ExtremeMean CubeMeandros CubeMega SixMercury Cube Puzzle
Merry-go-roundMiBinity IMicroburrMigraineMimicryMINE's CUBE in CAGE 333
MinervaMini Burr KeychainMini Chinese KnotMini LockMini Lock 2Mini Schoolbus
MinoMiraMiseryMissing LinkMissing NotchMississippi Mud
Misused KeyMixed Plate BurrMixed UpMMMDXLVI  #8Mochalov-12Mochalov-14
Mochalov-Cube 2006Moira's CubeMoluscubMonsterMoonflightMoose
More MazNCubesMorgensternMorpheusMountainMuffMultiboule
Multiwood CubeMurbiter's Pseudo BurrMurbiters Devilish Burr for IPP36Mysterious GalaxyMysTICN-One
Nahnook Ani PuzzleNeo SaturnNested Burr SimpleNesting 6 Piece BurrNet Block ANet Block C
Net Block DNet Block FNet Block GNet Block HNickel BoxNicolas and Friedolin
NightmareNinaNo Nukes!Non-Void CubeNoppenkuberNoris-Cube
NOS1 CompressedNOS2 TransferNOS3 Round TripNOS4 Go BackNOS5 CrenelNOS6 Dodge
NOS7 SeizaineNPP PuzzleNum LockNum Lock (mixed base)Nur MutO.M.G
Obstacle BoxOdd One OutOdd RepartitionOff-Center BurrOh ThisOkto Cube
OktoboxOliverOpal Puzzle Chess SetOpen Crochet CubeOpen CubeOpen Window
Open WindowOptibornOrchid PennyhedronOskar KeyOskar's BlocksOskars Two Piece Packing Problem
OverlapOvoloOximoronOzoneP BurrPack the Square
PackiraPackTIC #2Padaung RingsPadlock BurrPandoraPandora's Box
PapachuckPapposParallel PuzzleParaugasPartially Crooked 6 Board BurrParty
PausePeanutsPedanTICPegasusPenTICPepper Castor
PerseusPetit BoxPetit PackPetit PuzzlePetite Vache RougePhelan
PhoebePhoenixPhoenixPhoenix FamilyPhoenix-CabracanPif Paf With A Turn
Pin Block CasePin Burr 1Pin Burr 2Pink Ivory RingPinned Framed Burr LPinned Framed Burr M
Pinned Framed Burr SPirouettePivotPlanar BurrPlanktonPlaton
PlazaPlus-CrossPoco LocoPolar BurrPole DancerPolidoor
PolluxPontoonPopp (simplified)PorcupinePortico JPot van Olen
Power Tower (mix base - var st)Pox BoxPremierePrintable Interlocking Puzzle 4Printable Interlocking Puzzle 4Prisgon
PrismastarPrison BurrProteusProxima CentrauriPulsarPulsar 2
Pushbutton BurrPussy Sticks b+wPussy Sticks r+yPuzzle Cube Special EditionPUZZLE*Pylon 2P2C
Q.E.D.Quad Slideways BurrQuadlock 1Quadlock 4QuadrantQuadrox
Quads & Rings 1Quads & Rings 2Quantum EntanglementQuantum Entanglement ExchangeQuickstepQuintuples
QuintusRacktangleRail BoxRail Box #1Rainbow DrawersRampart 2
Ramu OctahedronRat TrapRattle BoxRattle Twist IIIRattle Twist VReally Big MazeNCubes
RecedeRectangle BlockRed Cow (Vache Rouge)Red, White and BlueRemovable StructureRepair The Cube
Reunification (Twins)RhinoRhinocerosRhombic Maze BurrRibbons PuzzleRift
Ring FightRing LockRiviearaRob's SecretRobrecht 02Rock-it Burr
RombakRomboRondo TurcoRoots and BranchesRoseRose Pennyhedron
Rota #Rota CubeRotamove CubeRotary CubRotatorRotpack 1
Rotpack 2Rough NightRounded BurrRubiconRuebezahlRunde Sache
RuptureS.O.B.B.#1S/M 24San Francisco Cable CarSand WitchSarcophagus
SatburrnSatellit Puzzle b+wSatellit Puzzle w+oSaturnSaturno #1Save the Gorilla
SchoolbusSchoolbus 2ScorpiusScotsman 2Scott's WomanScrew Burr
Screwy-LouieScroogeSecret BurrSegment Stack StarSelf-Framing BurrSensi Box
Sequence CubeSerflexSewing BoxSextboardShake SomethingSharp Belted
Sheffield-Steel 6BBSher-Lock ExtremeShiba InuShieldShift Burr L2Siamese Burr II
Siamese TwinsSidestepSidestep IISileneSimple SharpSimple UC Trapped
SimplicitySimplified Keyholes in a CageSimply ComplexSingapore 5x5x5SisyphosSitting Bull
Six Iberian LynxesSix PackSix Pack 2Six SpadesSIX XISSixbricks
SixticksSkewed Six Piece Burr*SkunkSlant CubeSleipnirSliced Bread
Sliced Burr SimpleSlidaSlideboxSlider 2SlidewaysSlideways Cube
Slideways Cube (printed)Sliding HamburgerSlow WaltzSly BurrSmall interlocking barrel*Small interlocking cube*
Small rounded interlocking cube*SmeagolSmiley BurrSnail CubeSnookySonneveld 9 Piece Board Burr
Sonneveld Cubed BurrSonneveld's 4 Piece CubeSouvenir DCD2012SphinxSpider WebSpidernest
Spiral Cube #2Spiral LockSpiral SquareSplit Maze BurrSpotted CubeSputnik
SputnikSputnikSputnik returnsSpy HoleSquare TargetSquarrel
Squirrel CageStabyloniaStack of SticksStairs CubeStairwayStar Beams
Star of Six PiecesStar PendulumSteady State CubeStepping BurrStepsSticks in Bicube
Stuck in the MiddleSucrierSuper CrossSupernovaSurroundSwapTIC
Sweeney ToddSweet SixteenSwirls No 1Swiss Cube #2 HardSwitch CubeSydney Harburr Bridge
T BurrT-JunctionT-oneT-Slot BurrTadpolesTalisman
Ternary BurrTernary KeyTernary Pin BurrTetra-ClawTetradyma 5x5Teufelsknoten T14
The 3 CirclesThe BaronThe BaronesThe Blitz 6 Piece BurrThe BoxThe Box
The CollectiveThe CubeThe CupThe Cutler Cube PuzzleThe Devil and his PetThe Elevator
The Flying ScotsmanThe FortressThe KickThe Kong PuzzleThe Kray TwinsThe Maze
The Minotaur's BurrThe Old Man Of HoyThe PelikanThe Piston PuzzleThe Puzzle SticksThe Skull
The SliderThe Windmill BurrThink outside the boxThreaded CubeThree totally trapped sagesThree trapped sages
Tight NooseTimBurrTimonen BurrTimonens Burr SimpleTipperaryTippy
TirosTitanToaster 25TobanTom PouceTom's Hollow Cube
Toms Square DanceToolbox 8x8x8 KittiwakeTopToughie IToughie IITourelle
TowerTowerTraditional Puzzle BallTraditional Puzzle CubeTraditional Puzzle CubeTraffic Light
TransennaTrap-R2Treasure QuestTrentaTriadTriade
Triangle Cube BurrTriangle ExplosionTribordTrichromatTrick Star p+pTrick Star red
TrickboxTricolorTricolor 2Tricolor 3Tricolor 4Tricolore
TrikadoTrilogyTrilogyTrinity-PuzzleTriple Cross BurrTriple Helix
Triple PlayTritonTritresorTriumviraTICTroacroasTroika
Tronc Commun 3Tronc Commun 4TrotzklotzTroubled BurrTroulleTry Me
Try Me 2Try-Cycle PuzzleTube CubeTube CubeTubular BurrTubular Burr
TulipTumblerTurnblock 335TurnkeyTurtleTurtle's Heart
TvnaryTweedle 11Tweedle 14Twelve ArrowsTwelve Bow TiesTwiddle Dee Helical Burr
Twiddle Dum Helical BurrTwin Board BurrTwin CubesTwinkleTwist the Night AwayTwister 3x2
TwisTICTwisting CubeTwisty HollowTwo Burrs in a BasketTwo by Three Type-ITwo in Frame
Two piece packing eXtremeTwo Wheeled CubeTwo-Tone ZeroTyphyterU-Nam-It BurrUltimate Burr Set
UltraburrUncoated BurrUnitedUnity 3=6Unknown 24 piece burr*Unknown Flower Crystal
Up Periscope! SUBtitle ...UranusUS CubeUtopian CubeVan der Poel Burr miniVapors Puzzle
Variation of Illegal Burr*Variation on a WaltzVauban H 5VectesVeraVerflixter Knoten (Cheers)
VertigoVesa Burr 8Vesa Burr simpleVesa's FourVisible BurrVisible Cube
Visible Framed BurrVivaldi BurrVoodoo CubeVortexW-WindowsWaddon
WaffleWalnut CubeWalton CubeWaltzing WhalesWausau 81Wausau 82
Wausau 83Wausau 84WedgedWelded BurrWhite Mischief PuzzleWide Portico
William's WonderWindmillboxWing HangarWinkWobbeWood Knott Try This
World's smallest cubeWorm CubeWrithing Snake CubeWunder-PuzzleWunderbar InspirationWunderbar Inspiration
X TICX-LatticeXenonXs and OsY6BB #1Yamanaka Kumiki
YyYyZig ZagZig Zag 2Zig-zag KnotZigguflatZigguflat
Zigguflat (4 pieces)Zigguflat (8 pieces)ZigguphiZigguratZiggustretchZigZag Planar Burr

Click here to explore interlocking puzzles by pieces, level, and types of moves.