Extremely Puzzling - Goetz Schwandtner's Puzzles

Interlocking Puzzles Explorer

This page allows to further explore the huge class of interlocking puzzles. In the standard view, all puzzles are shown in alphabetical order, and can also be ordered by their number of pieces or by their level (in descending order, from highest value to smallest, followed by the ones without an entry). Additionally, the list can be restricted to show only puzzles with rotation in the solution, or without rotations, and with coordinate motion moves, and without.

The current view is (click the other variants to change the view):

order: [alphabetically] [by pieces] [by level] rotations: [all] [only with] [only without] coordinate motion: [all] [only with] [only without]
Level 13432
Level 12282
Sequence Cube
Level 5642
Level 5461
Delirium 13
Level 3546
Level 2724
Power Tower (mix base - var st)
Level 1719
Level 1385
Binary Burr 10 small
Level 1233
Barcode Burr Master Set Upgrade
Level 1003
Level 687
Level 683
Binary Burr 9 small
Level 663
Level 487
Zigguflat (8 pieces) Ziggurat
Level 419
K-419 #11
Level 353
Level 341
Binary Burr 8 small
Level 323
K-323 #1
Level 321
Sensi Box
Level 243
Ternary Key
Level 214
Level 192
Double Tiros Num Lock
Level 188
Level 171
Binary Burr 7 small
Level 166
Phoenix Family Supernova
Level 162
Ternary Pin Burr
Level 159
Really Big MazeNCubes
Level 156
Level 152
Burrly Sane for Extreme Puzzlers The Barones
Level 151
The Baron
Level 150
Level 149
Pinned Framed Burr L
Level 148
Burrly Sane for Professionals
Level 140
Level 139
Level 138
Burrly Sane for Woodworkers
Level 135
B-Box, Reactor
Level 134
Sidestep II
Level 130
Apollo Grail
Level 126
Level 114
La Cerradura 3D Screwy-Louie Ziggustretch
Level 113
Level 109
Phoenix Rainbow Drawers Zigguflat Zigguflat
Level 102
Complementary P-arity Zig Zag 2
Level 101
Level 100
Level 99
Alcatraz Extreme
Level 98
The Pelikan
Level 97
The Kick
Level 95
Level 93
Muff Troulle
Level 85
Binary Burr Binary Burr 6 small
Level 84
Level 82
Level 81
Cube 81 Monster
Level 80
La Cerradura Doble Mira Quantum Entanglement
Level 79
Armilla Excaliburr
Level 75
Ternary Burr
Level 71
Oh This
Level 70
Bicomplementary formation b/b:1/2
Level 69
Box of 12
Level 66
Level 64
Barcode Burr (printed) Barcode Burr (printed) Magestic 3
Level 63
Zig Zag
Level 62
Condor's Peeper Gargamel Jack's Dozen
Level 60
Aldie Lippelo
Level 59
Big MazeNCubes Condor Congestion
Level 58
Dragon's Cave
Level 57
Damocles Sher-Lock Extreme
Level 56
Gravitational Burr
Level 55
Climburr Helicon Oskar Key Stairway
Level 54
Devil in Cage Lange Wapper 54 Lange Wapper 54-2 Phoebe Xenon
Level 53
C2-1 Courage Frame Me Up Misery
Level 52
Level 50
Grooved 6 Board Burr #7 Pinned Framed Burr M
Level 49
Behind Bars Cubloc
Level 48
Quantum Entanglement Exchange The Flying Scotsman
Level 47
Big Havana's Morpheus
Level 46
Kameleon caged Pappos
Level 45
Burrblock Minerva Ruebezahl Toban
Level 44
Sleipnir Trichromat Twister 3x2
Level 43
Alcatraz Binary Burr 5 small Chamburr Devil's Pet 4 Jiminy Jack Knossos Moira's Cube Sweeney Todd Tipperary
Level 42
Cannich Cross Imprisioned Extra Cross-Keys puzzle Jail Bars 2
Level 41
Burrner Glitter Schoolbus 2
Level 40
Beware of the Snake Jacket Pinned Framed Burr S
Level 39
Framed Burr Box Helical Burr 2 Jucar Pulsar 2
Level 38
Blue Beetle 2 Cubloc S Cyburr Devil's Pet 3 Four in a Box Hell Waddon
Level 37
Stuck in the Middle Tadpoles Vectes
Level 36
Hanoi Tower Polar Burr
Level 35
Droid Grooved 6 Board Burr #6 Hooks
Level 34
Chapel #1 Dog Catcher Earrings Gift Grooved 6 Board Burr #3 John's Goliath
Level 33
Devil's Pet 1 Lolly Box 4 Lox Box Maltese Pandora Rampart 2 The Old Man Of Hoy Triton
Level 32
Enmarcado Goot 1 Greyhound Jumbo La Foudre
Level 31
Anlon Gobi I-Trouble Rhinoceros Rubicon Split Maze Burr TimBurr Vauban H 5 Wide Portico
Level 30
Big Mac Black Widdow Canal House Dragon Riders Eiger Ice Pillar Kameleon Neo Saturn Trenta
Level 29
Atacama Big Quadrox Cephio Dirty Dozen Entropie Ghislina Hot Dog Lalibela Rectangle Block Scott's Woman Tower
Level 28
12 Bastards Dragster Five Sticks 28 Goliath 2 Grooved 6 Board Burr #4 Klaas Jan 23 Nickel Box Siamese Twins Square Target
Level 27
Barcode Burr Master Sets Upgrades Enak Fundamentally Framed Burr 1 Kelvin Lattice II Mimicry Missing Link Optiborn Polidoor Spy Hole Three totally trapped sages Turtle
Level 26
Agapan Burr Lock E Clutch 3 Dozer Key Trap Letterbox Lion King 2 Mini Schoolbus Misused Key Oximoron Sand Witch Satburrn Serflex Spider Web Tippy Xs and Os
Level 25
A Notched Trifecta beta Cocoon Frankenstein Gateway Giraburr Grooved 6 Board Burr #2 HELLical Burr MiBinity I Moose Rat Trap Saturn Scrooge Sextboard Toaster 25 Troacroas
Level 24
Cage for 4 Sticks Chateau d'If Cup of Coffee Dirty Dozen Caged Double Image Framed Sticks 4U Full House 2 Nina Padaung Rings Padlock Burr Visible Framed Burr Wobbe
Level 23
Arrow Beware of the Dogs Bouquet Bouquet (small) Daedalus Extreme Boxed Burr Friend with a shield Mayhem Try Me
Level 22
Al Capone Barriere Bubinburr Confluence Cuckold Fly Trap Google Grooved 6 Board Burr #1 Grooved 6 Board Burr #5 High Difficult Cube Unlocking Puzzle Hooks 2 Lattice (big) Lattice (small) Manke Pause Pontoon Tarpan The Cup Tricolor 3 Typhyter
Level 21
4 pieces in frame 4 Stick 8 Binary Burr 4 small Campanus Canuck Double Decker Hublot 2 IT Life@21 Liliput Madia Mean & Extreme Rupture Scotsman 2 Shield Six Pack 2 Skunk Slider 2 Spidernest Spiral Lock Tricolor 2 Vera Vortex Waffle
Level 20
4 in Frame BathLed Dino Dino Freddy Highway IPP34 Necklace Burr Knudde Moonflight Portico J Proteus Rose Steps Talisman The Windmill Burr Waltzing Whales Wing Hangar
Level 19
Angelus Box with Two Balls Bramble Box Clutch 2 Coming of Age MKII Confucius 3 Corsage Crocs Die Zauberfloete - Tamino Galaxy Z Goetz GOeTZ Grand Giga Burr Helix 2 Iceburrg Interlock the red square box (A) Interlock the red square box (B) Mino Save the Gorilla Six Iberian Lynxes The Devil and his Pet Treasure Quest Zigguflat (4 pieces)
Level 18
Adam and Eve in Paradise Clutch 1 Cold Fusion Delight Double UT Fusion Grand Barriere Jakub's Cube Lovely P Burr Paraugas Pollux Rail Box Schoolbus T-Slot Burr Titan Tricolor 4
Level 17
2 Halves Cage 4A 3 Open Minds Solve a Problem A Mazing Burr Aquarius+ Bandocub Bisect Frame 2S Board Burr in Cage Burrdos Cascadia Checker-board interlock box Coaxial Conclusion Devil's Pet 2 Eccentricity Gordian Knot Havana's 2 Hellas Cube Hobbit HOPE LocomoTIC Mysterious Galaxy Peanuts Phelan Quadrox Quads & Rings 2 Sheffield-Steel 6BB Simplicity Sucrier The Box Tribord Tricolor Twiddle Dum Helical Burr Wedged
Level 16
2-3-4 Alastor ApocalypTIC Aurora Blue Beetle Cage 6 Camelride Chiasma Cockpit Coniburr DCD-burr Den Cube El Regalo Elephant Puzzle Floating Framed Burr Hedgehog Burr Helix Burr v2 Jalpa Jump Kowloon Seal Luban Lock Long Skirt Matryoshka Burr More MazNCubes No Nukes! NOS7 Seizaine Premiere Sweet Sixteen Triad TriumviraTIC Try Me 2
Level 15
Belopo Boxed L-burr 2 Burrn Closed Box Doender Fly Trap 2 Four Mirror One Happiness Cube 20.2 Happiness Cube 20.2 Maahes Math Murbiters Devilish Burr for IPP36 N-One NOS4 Go Back Oktobox Partially Crooked 6 Board Burr Pepper Castor Pot van Olen Rob's Secret Sphinx Tubular Burr Tubular Burr
Level 14
4 in 2 Abacus Alf 3 Castle Crossing Rails 14 Cryptos Cubic Lock Culax Deadly Romance Die Zauberfloete - Koeningin der Nacht Estergon 2 Flint Gravity Hex Pyramide l'Unifolie Mountain Proxima Centrauri Recede Rivieara Robrecht 02 Shake Something Slow Waltz T-one Tweedle 14 Two piece packing eXtreme Vesa's Four
Level 13
2 and 2 Burr Addition All Mixed Up Aracna Beehive Boxed Mixed Piece Burr Caged Knot Centauri Chocolate Dip Burr Colossus Cross in Cross Crosscut Decemburr Dracula Elena's Burr FourTress Puzzle Happiness Cube 169 Identity Matrix IPP Burr Puzzle Kumiki Airlines Mixed Up Ozone Quads & Rings 1 Rhombic Maze Burr Rondo Turco Shift Burr L2 Simple Sharp Switch Cube The Box Three trapped sages Top Troika Two-Tone Zero Vesa Burr 8 YyYy
Level 12
+4 18-in-Blocks 33E Alligator Amatores Aramis Awful Eiffel Bad Hare Day Boards and Sticks with Frame Casino 2 Columnata 2P3C Crusade Fossil Burr Four in the Vice Frogurr GEM Gumball 3K Jackal Keep I on the Burr Little Hug Love Cube Love's Dozen Party Pulsar Removable Structure Siamese Burr II Silene Tight Noose Toughie I Trilogy
Level 11
2 Rings All Mixed Up Variation Archives Barbie and Ken Bent Board Burr #4 Too Binary Burr 3 small Cage #1-216-14 Kodo Castle Hole Chinese Knot Dino 2 Elevenses Eleventh Hour Gaia Helical Burr Hourglass Infant Box Irregular Board Burr Janus La Mente Little Maze Box Loopy Burr Mini Lock 2 Mixed Plate Burr Petit Box Petit Puzzle Printable Interlocking Puzzle 4 Quadlock 4 Quickstep Rail Box #1 Repair The Cube The Cutler Cube Puzzle Traffic Light Tweedle 11 Variation on a Waltz Wausau 83
Level 10
Alien Amulet Belt Cube 3 Bent Board Burr #4 Buffalo Nickel Puzzle Burrnova Captain Hook Chicken Puzzle Coherence Computer's Choice Cross-Cage Cubed Burr II Dracula 2 Fortuna Free the Monkeys GELO 1234 GiganTIC Happiness Cube 95.2 Jadimex Kamelle Box KeyTIC Kumikisaurus Kyberna Little Trick LTC in cage Lucida Mega Six MysTIC Nightmare NOS6 Dodge Plankton Rock-it Burr Simple UC Trapped Snooky Sonneveld Cubed Burr Squarrel Stairs Cube Stepping Burr Sticks in Bicube Swirls No 1 Twiddle Dee Helical Burr Two by Three Type-I W-Windows Windmillbox
Level 9
2 Pairs One 3 lives to live Abad s Level 9 Burr Altair Caught Heart Crooked 6 Board Burr #2 Crystalburr Dutch Cross Fallingwater Burr Fossil Burr 2 Four Cross Twelve Geneva Get in the Box! Haselgrove-Box Havannas 1 Hog Wild Puzzle Internal Combustion Khamsin LunaTIC Moluscub Nested Burr Simple Odd Repartition Packira Pandora's Box Prisgon Pylon 2P2C Rotator Singapore 5x5x5 Sly Burr The Cube The Fortress The Kray Twins The Piston Puzzle Think outside the box Tom Pouce Toughie II Tulip Turtle's Heart White Mischief Puzzle
Level 8
2PBB Two Pieces Boxed Burr 3 Piece Burr key-o Aqua Toto Bandido Bent Board Burr Bolero Boxes And Frames Brace Yourself Burr Box 1 Captain CFF Burr Changing Partners Currly Burr N8 Eight is Enough Flange 99A Flat Vortex 1 Free Pause Giga Burr Happy Dance Interlocking Small Turtle Intertwingly Just 3 Magma Plus Nicolas and Friedolin Overlap Plaza Poco Loco Popp (simplified) Pushbutton Burr Rattle Twist V Rift Rotpack 1 Steady State Cube Surround The Collective Trikado Two in Frame Verflixter Knoten (Cheers)
Level 7
3 Piece Burr Cube 50 Assembler's Challenge Assorted Snakes Benedettis 7-er Burr of Nine Boxes Columbus Double Lock Easy Livin Estergon FantasTIC Fenced Burr GeneTIC Hippo Hippo Puzzle Hitch Insinuate Puzzle NOS5 Crenel Nur Mut Off-Center Burr Okto Cube Petit Pack Pink Ivory Ring Pox Box Ribbons Puzzle Rotpack 2 S/M 24 Sarcophagus Saturno #1 Sharp Belted Six Spades Transenna Uncoated Burr US Cube Visible Burr Worm Cube Zig-zag Knot
Level 6
6 piece burr variation II Alcatraz ALPACA Arabesque Bottom Line Cage #1-125-10 Carbo Cube CatharTIC Chainstitch Clamped Cube Crooked 6 Piece Burr Pinned Version Cross Bones Cubie Burr Cubie Burr #2 Dilemma Dovetail Burr Dwarf Planet D Identical Twins Identity 4a Identity 4b Interlock 3 Pieces Irene Alternate Knot on my Watch L(8)tice-2 Little Kenny Lock Nested Burr Lock Nested Burr Log Jam Puzzle Mayer's Cube Mini Lock Mississippi Mud Open Window Quadlock 1 Quadrant Reunification (Twins) Rota # Self-Framing Burr Shiba Inu SwapTIC Sydney Harburr Bridge Tetradyma 5x5 Toolbox 8x8x8 Kittiwake Triade Tube Cube Tube Cube Uranus Variation of Illegal Burr* X TIC X-Lattice
Level 5
6 piece framed knot Around the Bend Bamboo Burr 4 Band Cube Black Hole Burr Boxed Six Board Burr Burr with Rings Caged Burr Century Cube CheckerDice Cube Choreographed Motion Cubic Burr Deadlock Puzzle Enigma Hammerhead Burr Juha 6 Juha's Interlocking No.1 Keyhole King's Court Leftovers Literal Lateral Slide Lolly Box 2 Multiwood Cube Ovolo PenTIC Phoenix Pif Paf With A Turn Rattle Twist III The Blitz 6 Piece Burr The Maze Twisty Hollow Voodoo Cube Wausau 84 William's Wonder
Level 4
12 interlocking pieces* 18 pc burr 6x6x6 2 Halves Cube 3 Q Cube 6GA Six Gates Arranged Accordion (Disjointed Cube) Accordion (Disjointed Cube) Astro-Puzzle Awoi Cube 1 Awoi-Cube 2 Basket Burr Berserk BurrCirc Boo Burr Burr In A Cage Burr in Cage Chain CM13 Combined Burr Cubic Board Burr Drehwuerfel* Holey 6 Board Burr II I.Q. Puzzle Schuettelknoten Inner Cube Interlock II L-Burr L-Burr Lattice Little Bruce Lolly Box Lost Day Luxemburr Manda 1 Burr Matador Morgenstern Net Block C Non-Void Cube NOS3 Round Trip Parallel Puzzle Pin Block Case Planar Burr Quintuples Rough Night Simply Complex T Burr The Slider Timonen Burr Trap-R2 Turnkey Utopian Cube Walnut Cube Welded Burr ZigZag Planar Burr
Level 3
2 Halves Cage 3BB 3 identical piece burr ON 6 board burr # 3 6 board burr #1 9 Boards Burr 7x7 Andromeda Bamboo Burr 3 Big Interlocking Cube Bill's Ball Bearing Burr Blind Burr Boston Tea Chest Burrliner Kruse Burry Joint Cage Puzzle Christmas Tree COC Convolution's Cousin Coronation Cube Cross in a Cage CT 52 Dicey Box Doors and Drawers Eighteen Piece 6x6x6 Burr Engpass Quadrat EQ 12 pieces burr Foliage Forgotten Piece Framed! Grandpa Framed Hercules Hermaphroditic Dovetail Cube Hexatresor IPP Burr Puzzle Japanese Crystal 33 pcs Japanese Crystal 99 Pcs Japanese Wood Joint Puzzle Juha 5 Juha 9 Kinsman Konstrukt Kumiki Masu Labyrinth Loopy Loops Junior Lunatic Migraine Net Block G Open Crochet Cube Rombo S.O.B.B.#1 Secret Burr Sliced Burr Simple Sonneveld 9 Piece Board Burr Spiral Square Sputnik returns Squirrel Cage Swiss Cube #2 Hard Tango Teaser Tricolore Triple Cross Burr Triple Play Tronc Commun 4 Twelve Bow Ties Twin Board Burr TwisTIC U-Nam-It Burr Unknown Flower Crystal Van der Poel Burr mini Vesa Burr simple Walton Cube Wausau 81 Wausau 82 Y6BB #1
Level 2
18 Pieces plated burr 3set Nesting 6 Piece  Burr 4x4 Puzzle Bird in the Nest Burrglar Burrly Legal By George Burr Centaurus Chen's 6 BB Chequered Board Burr Chinese Fang Chuck The Puzzle Person CPU Chip Crazy Horse Crooked 6 Piece Burr Original Version Crystal Ring Cubax Doppelknoten Dovetail Cage Dovetail Cube Dovetail Soma Cube Eighteen Eights Four Burr Stick Framed 6-piece burr Frankfurt-Cube Galaxy Puzzle I Galaxy Puzzle II Gemini Geronimo Grappe Hexagon Groovy Cubes Hexahedroom Hexon Juha 2 Juha Element Puzzle Kawai Tsugite Cube Keyholes Knotty 6 Kong Ming Lock Kumiki Cow Kumiki Pig Kumiki Stegosaurus Kumiki Torii Gateway Kumiki Tram Kumiki Wild Boar Mercury Cube Puzzle Nesting 6 Piece Burr Net Block D NOS1 Compressed NOS2 Transfer Opal Puzzle Chess Set Oskar's Blocks PackTIC #2 Papachuck Prismastar Prison Burr Puzzle Cube Special Edition Q.E.D. Quintus Red Cow (Vache Rouge) Rhino Ring Lock Rota Cube Runde Sache Satellit Puzzle b+w Satellit Puzzle w+o Sisyphos Six Pack Sixbricks Sliced Bread Snail Cube Sonneveld's 4 Piece Cube Sputnik Sputnik Taurus The Puzzle Sticks Tom's Hollow Cube Tourelle Traditional Puzzle Ball Traditional Puzzle Cube Traditional Puzzle Cube Triangle Cube Burr Trick Star p+p Troubled Burr Twin Cubes Two Burrs in a Basket Unity 3=6 Up Periscope! SUBtitle ... Vertigo Wunder-Puzzle Wunderbar Inspiration Wunderbar Inspiration
Level 1
151er Teufel 16 Bar Cube II 18 Brueder 18 pc burr #3 18-Piece II 2 Temps 3 Mouvements 20pcs Wooden DIY Brain Teaser Puzzles 3D Burger Puzzle 4+5+6 Diagonal Burr 4L Co-Mo DD 4LCoMo 4x4x4 Elevator Achille Ambigram Burr Arch Burr Puzzle Assembly Cube Astrolabe Atom Raute Bamboo Burr 1 Bamboo Burr 2 Benedettis Kaefig BioTIC Board and Cube Burr (Katsumoto Cube) Board Burr Rack Borromean Braid Too Boxed Burr Brandenburg Gate La Porte Bundle of Sticks Cage Amovible Camera Conundrum Cell Block Checkbox Chinese Knot Circelei Circuit Breaker Clearwater small 54 pcs Cochise Cold Fusion Coming of Age Confusio Constantin 234 Constantin 456 Coo-inter-pack Crazy Swiss Cube Crossex Crux CT269 Cube in Cube Cubelock Cubetresor Cubix Cubyful 2 Curly Cube Das missglueckte Modell Der Astronomen-Stern Der verflixte Tresor Dilemma II Dizzy Cube Domino Tower Double Kongmin Lock Double Noeud Double Slideways Burr Double Slideways Burr Plus Double Slideways Burr TSP Double Slideways Burr TSP+ Double Slideways Burr TSP- Double Slideways Burr TSP-+2W Double Slideways Burr+D Dovetail Bi-Cube Dovetail Burr Puzzle Dovetail Cube Dovetail Mix Crossknot Dragon Burr Dragon Cube Edge Corner Cube II Eightpack Einsiedler-Box Finnish Cross First Design Five O'lock Framework GalacTIC Garmbaad Gear Geduldswuerfel Grasse and the perfume Gun Puzzle Gyro Hakenwuerfel Half Lid Box Heblo Helix+ Hex-Puzzle 1 Hexalo Hooked Hotplate Hyperboloid Six-Piece Burr + extra Impossible Cube Involution Juha 10 Juha 12 Juha 14 Juha 7 Juha 8 K Cube Ka'apuni Kardan Kei Cube Jr Keychain Burr 9 pieces Keychain Camera Keychain Die Keychain Heart Keychain Ladybird Knobbel 24 Knobbel 26 Knobbel 28 Knobbly Box Knotenwuerfel Koumei Log Puzzle Kreuzknoten g+b Kreuzknoten gr Kubus/AncientKey Kumiki 9mm Handgun Kumiki Airplane Kumiki Dog Kumiki Log Cabin Coin Bank Kumiki Lucky Cat Kumiki Robot Kumiki Squashed Blossom Kumiki Steam-Ship Letterbox Liberal Cube Little Slide Plank Long and Short/Coffin 20-D Loopy Cube Love's Dozen as a Cube MajesTIC Mean Cube Meandros Cube Microburr Mini Burr Keychain Mini Chinese Knot Mochalov-12 Mochalov-14 Mochalov-Cube 2006 Multiboule Murbiter's Pseudo Burr Nahnook Ani Puzzle Net Block A Net Block F Net Block H Noppenkuber Noris-Cube Obstacle Box Open Cube Open Window Orchid Pennyhedron Pack the Square PedanTIC Pegasus Perseus Petite Vache Rouge Pirouette Pivot Platon Plus-Cross Printable Interlocking Puzzle 4 Pussy Sticks b+w Pussy Sticks r+y Quad Slideways Burr Ramu Octahedron Ring Fight Roots and Branches Rose Pennyhedron Rotamove Cube Rotary Cub Rounded Burr San Francisco Cable Car Scorpius Screw Burr Segment Stack Star Simplified Keyholes in a Cage Sitting Bull Sixticks Skewed Six Piece Burr* Slant Cube Slida Slideways Slideways Cube Slideways Cube (printed) Small interlocking barrel* Small interlocking cube* Small rounded interlocking cube* Souvenir DCD2012 Spiral Cube #2 Spotted Cube Stabylonia Stack of Sticks Star Beams Star of Six Pieces Star Pendulum Super Cross T-Junction Tangle Teufelsknoten T14 The Elevator The Skull Threaded Cube Timonens Burr Simple Toms Square Dance Triangle Explosion Trick Star red Trickbox Trinity-Puzzle Triple Helix Tritresor Tronc Commun 3 Trotzklotz Try-Cycle Puzzle Tumbler Turnblock 335 Twelve Arrows Twist the Night Away Twisting Cube Two Wheeled Cube Ultimate Burr Set United Unknown 24 piece burr* Visible Cube Vivaldi Burr Wood Knott Try This World's smallest cube Writhing Snake Cube Yamanaka Kumiki Zmije
Other puzzles (no entry)
15 Piece Japanese Interlocking Puzzle* 2 Pairs 4 Caged Puzzle 6^3 Board Burr 8 Pieces Burr AJ Puzzle Allard's Think (c) Sticks Almost There Atomihedra Avenger Puzzle Bamboo Star Boite 13 Cast Cylinder Cast Hexagon Cast Infinity Chinesischer Teufel Coffin's Four Piece Cube Coreographed Motion 2 Cruz del Maestro Diagonal Burr Big Diagonal loop #2 Dinlas Double Dutch Burr Double Heart&Arrow Dragon puzzle w/Washington Monument Eiffel Burr Elbow Burr Eye Fill Burr Findis Teufelsknoten Five Burr-ito Heavy Metal Triangle Helix the Burr Impossiburr In Brackets Konstrukt A Kristallus Lennox Burr Little Portico Lock-N-Cube Magic Wands MINE's CUBE in CAGE 333 Missing Notch NPP Puzzle Num Lock (mixed base) Odd One Out Oliver Oskars Two Piece Packing Problem Pin Burr 1 Pin Burr 2 Pole Dancer Porcupine PUZZLE* Racktangle Rattle Box Red, White and Blue Sewing Box SIX XIS Sliding Hamburger Smiley Burr Sputnik Tangler Tetra-Claw The 3 Circles The Kong Puzzle The Minotaur's Burr Trilogy Vapors Puzzle Zigguphi